AV4TA Media is a boutique agency specializing in branding and communication in the following industries: Blockchain, Metaverse, Deep Tech, Web 3.0, and Gaming.


10 Tips for Content Marketing & Attracting New Customers

Whatever you may have read online, content marketing isn’t a recent phenomenon. Furthermore, it’s not a marketing tactic that requires specialized knowledge to comprehend. Since the earliest early humans used burned wood to write stories on cave walls, content marketing has essentially existed. And the introduction of the printing press truly transformed content marketing.

You can be wasting a lot of time and money on ineffective marketing. Your ideal client may even be out of reach if you’re focusing on the incorrect demographics or using the wrong channels. A wonderful technique to draw in new customers is content marketing. You can entice potential clients and position yourself as an authority in your industry by producing high-quality content that is pertinent to your target market.

Here are 10 strong recommendations for successful content marketing.

Make sure your content is simple to navigate

A difficulty occurs when your content is poorly organized or not organized at all, making it difficult to find. Potential customers will frequently quit your website if the content is challenging to navigate.

However, utilizing tags and categories is simple and improves SEO. Don’t forget to use your navigation as well. Start there to make it simple for people to find your material.

Make pertinent material for your ideal client

You can’t accomplish your goals if you just rely on traffic. As an alternative, you need quality traffic. In addition, producing material pertinent to your ideal consumer is crucial for drawing in targeted visitors.

Find out what kind of material your target market prefers by doing some research on them. Asking inquiries of your prior clients can occasionally be very simple. They will tell you what is essential to them if you just listen.

Create sticky content

It’s wonderful that your potential clientele is discovering and reading your blogs but go one step further. Always provide the next action, such as reading related material or signing up for further details. Remember that you want them to read your material for as long as they can on your website.

For content marketing, use focused keywords and ethical SEO

Potential customers’ ability to find your material – or not – is greatly influenced by your SEO and keywords. However, keyword padding is discouraged because Google and other search engines are constantly working to improve the user experience.

Make shareable material

Shareable material is the most potent type of content. How, though, is content made shareable? Social currency is what it all comes down to. What will the reader gain from sharing your work, in other words?

Consider the kinds of posts, comments, and articles you share online. How do they behave?

They frequently support your opinion on a subject, highlight a subject close to your heart, or elevate your status. The following is a list of the articles that are shared most frequently:

Instructive and beneficial

One piece that highlights the ineffectiveness of multitasking is currently becoming viral as I write this. This is both educational and beneficial.

Dispute a widely held belief

This concept is covered in the page on multitasking fallacies. People enjoy discussing concepts that go against conventional wisdom.

Display your concern

Humanitarian content frequently spreads online because it touches people’s hearts.

Shareability of content is aided by nostalgia

If your target audience was raised wearing high-top pump sneakers, you might be able to capitalize on it in your content. Consider the following article: “High Top Pumps: A Smart Trend or a Giant Flop?”

Current affairs

People discuss what is going on in the globe right now. If you can link your message to a significant event, it will probably spread more widely.

Additionally, keep in mind that you should select any photos you include with your material with “share-ability” in mind.

Promote sharing

Getting your message in front of the correct readers is the key goal of content creation. When you find the ideal reader, keep in mind that they undoubtedly have many friends who share the same characteristics.

More potential clients will see your material if you encourage them to share it on social media. Furthermore, social share bars.

Inquire about their email address

It’s possible that when your ideal buyer sees your material, they won’t be ready to make a purchase. However, if you manage to obtain their contact information, you can keep promoting to them with new content until they are prepared to make a purchase.

Ask them to purchase

If it makes sense, add a call to action encouraging the reader to purchase the conclusion of your article. But first, a word of caution! For this to succeed, you must offer high-quality material.

If your material is only promotional, readers can tune you out before they reach your call to action. Save your sales content for promotions and sales pages.

In content marketing, quality prevails above quantity

People don’t disseminate a message because they are exposed to it all the time. They spread it because it affects them or makes their lives better!

Traffic comes to marketers who produce a lot of material, but even exceptional content can be lost in the sea of data. Don’t let work go unnoticed after just a few days if it’s generating a lot of reaction and sparking a discussion. Instead, keep spreading the word about it on social media and motivating people to share.

Use your content several times

To produce your content requires time and/or money, but I see far too many marketers post excellent material just once before discarding it.

If your content is excellent, you can keep marketing and disseminating it. Making the most of your content is made possible by repurposing it. Use it for social media postings, emails, newsletters, podcasts, downloadable reports, YouTube videos, and other online communications.


Many businesses don’t invest as much time, effort, or money in content marketing as they ought to. The cornerstone of your website and digital strategy, and the secret to a successful inbound strategy, is your content. These pointers will assist you in getting started and enable you to develop a content marketing plan that is far more successful and efficient and will help your company gain the recognition it deserves.


AV4TA Media is a boutique agency specializing in branding and communications in the following industries:
Blockchain, Metaverse, Deep Tech, Web 3.0, and Gaming.