AV4TA Media is a boutique agency specializing in branding and communication in the following industries: Blockchain, Metaverse, Deep Tech, Web 3.0, and Gaming.


5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Blockchain Advertising

Many business owners nowadays are wondering how they might increase their profits. Companies that provide goods or services via the Internet will benefit from blockchain advertising. Because of new technology, you can receive improved targeting. This means that only individuals who are interested in buying your products will see your adverts.

What is blockchain?

What precisely are blockchain technologies? The introduction of crypto has transformed the financial sector. However, the topic of how you might use them to conduct free and safe transactions remained unanswered. Then, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, created a one-of-a-kind protocol that enabled practically any financial transaction.

The benefit of technology is that all data is completely secure. According to the Bitcoin blockchain, this technology is ideal for storing and processing nearly any information. At the same time, maintaining even a huge database no longer requires the use of powerful equipment and a large amount of electricity.

Combining blockchain and online advertising is a sensible approach for individuals who are tired of spending a lot of money for each click and not making a lot of money. If you refocus your efforts on sending promotional products to those who are interested in them, you will be more successful. Then the outcome will be quick.

Misconceptions Regarding Blockchain Advertising


Blockchain is increasing the transparency of advertising for both brands and consumers.

Among the most important factors in preserving trust between a company and its clients is transparency. Customers are more inclined to stick with brands that are open about their processes than advertising companies that keep their internal workings a secret.

This kind of trust is made possible by blockchain technology, which provides a high level of transparency on all transactions, whether they include cryptocurrency. The blockchain serves as the basis for crypto exchanges.

Blockchain, in addition to powering crypto exchanges, allows users to have access to a brand’s operations and supply chain. It assists brands in capitalizing on trends such as sustainability and eco-friendliness. As a result, trust between brands and customers grows, and conversion rates rise.

Online payments

By introducing a layer of transparency and trust, blockchain can significantly improve the security of online payments.

How do you know you’re getting what you paid for when you buy something online? Who will help you get your money back if a seller does not deliver the product? These types of trust difficulties persist in today’s digital landscape. As more advertising organizations migrate their operations online, securing customer data becomes even more vital.

This is where blockchain technology comes into play. Blockchain operates on a transparent network of computers, allowing users to see every transaction on its public ledger in real-time. No one can add or delete transactions without the permission of other network members.

Because all parties of the transaction have access to the conditions, blockchain eliminates the major biggest issue with online payments related to trust: customers and companies no longer need to be concerned about one party failing to uphold their end of the bargain.

Privacy of Data

Data privacy is one of the most difficult difficulties that businesses confront when it comes to advertising. Consumers are increasingly concerned about how advertising companies use their personal information.

This isn’t without cause—advertising firms have misused customers’ private information or neglected to safeguard it from hackers, leading to data breaches and the loss of private data.

The quality and consistency of data over its entire lifecycle are referred to as data integrity. Achieving a high degree of data accuracy and consistency is critical for businesses, particularly those in the advertising industry.

Blockchain can assist you in maintaining data integrity by ensuring that:

·       Your data is comprehensive;

·       Your data is correct and consistent; and

·       No one can steal your valuable data.

It also allows users to select who has access to their data and what extent. In exchange for their personal information, modern blockchain systems even reward users with crypto tokens.

Ad fraud

Ad fraud is a prevalent problem in the advertising industry. Blockchain technology can be used to combat ad fraud. Using bots, fraudsters attempt to steal the rewards for ad clicks and impressions.

Advertisers can utilize the blockchain to know when an impression occurred and verify that a user clicked on an ad, allowing them to identify ad fraud more efficiently than before.

Partnerships with smart contracts

Smart contracts are automated agreements that are transferred to a blockchain network by two or more parties. They can be used for a variety of marketing purposes, ranging from providing web ad impressions to administering affiliate programs. They can even be used to specify market and client terms and conditions.

Because smart contracts are implemented in a decentralized environment and do not rely on intermediaries, advertisers and brands can save money by eliminating ad fraud. This is especially critical given how much bogus traffic web adverts receive.

Final Thoughts

The most significant advantages of blockchain in advertising are trust, efficiency, and automation. Human mistake is eliminated via blockchain. By eliminating the need for middlemen, it also eliminates human mistakes, enhancing openness in advertising and advertising efforts.

Blockchain is especially useful in combating ad fraud. Because blockchain is decentralized and safe, it can help marketers better track where their ads go once they’re published online or through social media channels—and thus keep track of who is (and isn’t) viewing them.


AV4TA Media is a boutique agency specializing in branding and communications in the following industries:
Blockchain, Metaverse, Deep Tech, Web 3.0, and Gaming.